Saturday, August 2, 2008

you GO michelle williams...

im so happy she finally has a hit! i always felt bad that she was in beyonce and kelly's shadow. LOVE this song!

kristen chenoweth...

can have my babies. and ill carry them, and her, around in my pocket. i mean seriously, who else can sing like that? and she is SO damn funny!

Friday, August 1, 2008

love me some mindy smith...

and dolly is still flawless! and she spends the budget of a small third world country to make sure she remains so.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

no one has ever done it better...

not even the king.

Nadja the brilliant...

if you ever get the chance to see nadja salerno-sonnenberg live (she is playing with the ASO this season) jump at it. she is quite simply beyond words. in my estimation, the greatest violinist living today. (she is on the left)

just sit back and listen...

Amos Lee

Thursday, January 3, 2008


i DONT drink... much... or often... dammit...

silent night, UN-holy night...

just having some fun. sheet music would have helped this situation.